Fluid GF

Fluid GF
We are now utilizing BioLab Sciences, Fluid GF™, another type of Regenerative Medicine to help the body heal itself. Fluid GF™ is a liquid human tissue derived from the amniotic fluid within the amniotic sac; and is intended for use to cushion, lubricate, and protect human joints. It is a safe, minimally invasive outpatient injection procedure and is now covered by insurance, including Medicare. Amniotic liquid and tissue are abundant in growth factors and cytokines (proteins) associated with repair, replacement and regeneration of soft tissue. These growth factors and cytokines have been shown to promote healing and pain management.
Fluid GF™ has been shown to be effective in treating:
• Acute and chronic wounds
• Soft tissue injury
• Muscle and meniscus tears
• Ligament and tendon sprains
• Degenerative tissue disorders and inflammatory conditions (tendonitis, fasciitis)
Fluid GF™ is FDA approved and the safety and quality are carefully controlled. All FDA regulations and requirements are strictly adhered to. In addition, BioLab Sciences amniotic liquid allografts have been tested for potentially infectious diseases and terminally sterilized to ensure the safety of each liquid allograft. The donated tissue has been deemed acceptable for transplant and all laboratories performing these tests are registered with the FDA and are certified to perform testing on human specimens. All amniotic fluid is sourced from consenting mothers who have undergone rigorous health screening, they have undergone scheduled cesarian births and the fetus is untouched and unharmed.